Strategy & Planning

Marketing 101 for AI Startups

A comprehensive step-by-step guide for AI startup founders to master marketing channels, optimize messaging, and refine your GTM strategy.

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Jee Yen

August 23, 2024

In the fast-paced world of AI startups, effective marketing is crucial for success. However, with so many channels and strategies to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a clear understanding of how to effectively market your AI startup and drive growth. Learn about:

  • What are different marketing channels
  • How to meet your buyers where they are
  • How to fine-tune your messaging and landing pages.

What are the different marketing channels available?

First of all, let’s review the common marketing channels along with their pros and cons.

Channel Pros Cons Time to results
This includes SEO and social media posts on topics like thought leadership and industry insights.
· Offers good ROI in the long run. · Requires high effort to produce quality content.
· Results take longer to materialize, making it harder to iterate quickly.
· More challenging to target specific audiences compared to other channels.
(> 6 months)
Paid Advertising
Search Engine Marketing, Paid Social (Meta, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Reddit)
· Can be a sustainable growth strategy if executed correctly.
· Allows for a highly targeted approach.
· Enables fast experimentation and iteration.
· Can be costly, especially if not optimized.
· Requires domain expertise in technical ads management.
(1-3 months)
Outbound Marketing
This includes LinkedIn or email outreach.
· Ideal for targeting a narrow, well-defined persona. · Often has a low engagement rate.
· It’s recommended to pair this with paid ads to warm up the audience.
(1-3 months)
Community-Led Initiatives
This includes channels like podcasts and newsletter sponsorships.
· Builds trust and authority within a community.
· Engages a highly relevant and often loyal audience.
· Not as sustainable—often results in one-off traffic that lasts for just a few days. Mid
(1-3 months)
AI Sites
This includes getting listed on AI aggregator sites like TAAFT and AI Tool Hunt, as well as developing plugins for platforms like Bard and ChatGPT
· Reaches an audience specifically interested in AI tools and solutions, leading to more qualified leads. · Smaller audience compared to other channels.
· High competition on these platforms can make it harder to stand out.
(1-3 months)

Before diving into any of these strategies, consider starting with launchpads like Product Hunt, LaunchYC, or Hacker News. These platforms can drive initial traffic and help you stress-test your landing page and onboarding flow. Additionally, these channels often attract early adopters and evangelists who are more open to adopting AI solutions.

Meet buyers where they are

AI products typically address existing problems with innovative solutions that are more efficient, cost-effective, higher quality, or a combination of these factors.

You need to adopt different strategies based on where your target audience is in its buying journey.

We recommend prioritising in the following order:

  1. Problem and Solution Aware: These are potential customers who understand the challenges they face and are aware of potential solutions, but they may not yet know about your brand.
    • How to Engage: Focus on clearly articulating how your solution works, its benefits, and why it’s superior to other options. Make sure your messaging emphasizes how AI specifically enhances the solution.
    • Where to Focus: Google Search Ads is a good start as this audience is likely searching for specific keywords related to your product on Google. Conduct keyword research to assess search volume. Low search volume (<500 searches per month) suggests that awareness of your product category is low, which might necessitate incorporating Paid Social into your strategy. Additionally, examine search volumes for keywords that include “AI” to gauge how familiar people are with AI-based solutions.
  2. Problem Aware: These individuals recognize the challenges they face but are uncertain about the best solution.
    • How to Engage: In addition to the strategies mentioned for problem and solution aware audiences, create content that explores different solutions, highlighting their pros and cons. This positions your AI product as the solution they’ve been searching for.
    • Where to Focus: They’re likely searching for topics like “how to” or “how can I.” While you can run ads targeting these keywords, keep in mind that the ROI may be low initially since these individuals are early in their buying journey. It will take time to nurture these leads. Investing in Paid Social and content marketing can help build solution awareness over time.
  3. Neither Problem nor Solution Aware: This typically occurs when your product is in a niche sector or is highly innovative, much like how Intercom initially faced market challenges.
    • How to Engage: Since these individuals are not yet aware of the problem or the solution, you’ll need to invest more time in educating them. Your content should focus on illuminating the problem space and demonstrating why your AI product is necessary.
    • Where to Focus: Building awareness in this audience often requires community-driven efforts. Consider leveraging podcasts, YouTube channels, webinars, and events to create a platform for education and engagement. These channels will help you gradually build awareness and trust in your product.

Fine tune messaging and landing pages

Today, your product is up against:

  • Other AI solutions, including specialized tools and general-purpose ones like ChatGPT.
  • Traditional solutions that have been established in the market for longer.
  • Inaction, where potential customers may choose to do nothing.

Your landing page is pivotal in persuading visitors why your solution stands out among these options.

To optimize your landing page, focus on the following:

  • Sell the Benefits: Clearly communicate the unique advantages of your product and quantify them whenever possible. For instance, instead of simply stating “save time,” specify the potential impact, such as “save up to N% of your time.”
  • Address Objections: Tackle common concerns associated with AI solutions head-on, such as:
    • Data privacy and security: Reassure potential customers with clear information about your stringent privacy measures.
    • Reliability and hallucinations: Highlight how your solution minimizes errors and offers dependable performance.
  • Offering a free trial or a white-glove service can also help mitigate these concerns and build customer confidence.
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: Show real product images to demonstrate that you have a ready-to-use solution, giving potential customers a clear view of what they can expect.
  • Build Trust and Authority: This is especially crucial for B2B customers, who often have additional concerns. To establish credibility:
    • Showcase case studies and thought leadership content: Highlight success stories from existing clients.
    • Highlight your team's credentials: Emphasize the expertise and experience of the people behind your product.


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Final thoughts

Marketing is an essential component of any successful AI startup.

By understanding the different marketing channels available, meeting your buyers where they are, and refining your messaging and landing pages, you can effectively promote your startup and drive growth. Remember, marketing is an ongoing process, so it's important to continuously monitor and adjust your strategies as needed.

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